
Hello! I am just a regular girl from Texas. A little bit country, a little bit sassy! I sew. I paint. I craft. I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty! I do interior house painting and decorating and I even spent several years remodeling homes doing everything from drywall to building cabinets. There is not much I haven’t done. I love to take nothing and turn it into something! I don’t get to do the remodel work with the new baby, so I have turned my creative focus entirely to my sewing! 

I am by no means a professionally trained sewist, but I sure try! I enjoy it every stitch of the way! I hope with this blog I can share some of my talents, ideas and creativity! I am truly grateful to be part of this sewing community! Thank you for looking…and for following!

4 Responses to About

  1. karen brown says:

    Hi Nancy, thank you so much for following my blog. I hope you’ll pop in now and then, and maybe find something that inspires you creatively. I’ve been reading through your blog, and am in awe of your beautiful sewing. I can handstitch, and enjoy cross-stitch and needlepoint, but put me in front of a sewing machine, and there’ll be tears before bedtime.Cheers from New Zealand, Karen Brown

  2. nanacathy2 says:

    Hi, I love your blog and so have nominated you for the wonderful team http://nanacathydotcom.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/award-wonderful-team-member-readership-award/member award as a sign of my appreciation. Here are the details

  3. Jixi Fox says:

    What is your favorite thing to sew?

  4. Jixi Fox says:

    Yea Texas, I am from New York, nice to meet you… 🙂 I always wanted to pass through that state via I an adventurous type of person. But I sure must give you props for being crafty. I am going to start getting a little supply here and there and test the waters of creativity mind. 🙂 Being keep a happy Mom. 🙂 yeaaa

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